So, I'm sitting here in a food court at Philadelphia International Airport, listening to music and chillin. In about 2 hours and 15 minutes, I'll be on my way to Paris! It's crazy that this is finally actually here...I feel like I've been talking about it forever. I still don't know if it has quite hit me yet, though, cause I'm very calm and haven't started freaking out about anything yet.
Everything went well this morning (well, other than me sleeping through my alarm). I was up until 4:30am last night and discovered that Skype works really well...so those of you with microphones on your computers should definitely download Skype (it's free) and call me with it. If I find some wireless access somewhere by my home in Paris, you can call me with it on my laptop and we can talk over the computer for free. It's like 2 cents a minute if you call a phone with it.
Well, I'm going to miss everyone. Thanks to everyone who stopped in to say hi before I left!
And now my adventure begins...
Riley =)
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