Friday, June 6, 2008

Le M

So, I wasn't planning on writing anymore tonight. Especially not about a hamburger. But I just had the most incredible hamburger of my life. At McDonald's, of all places. No, I wasn't at McDo for wireless...I was there because I only have 5 euros to my name at the moment and was hungry after Megan and I had been chatting over drinks at a little cafe by the Eiffel Tower. So, we stopped by McDo cause it's one of the only food places still open at 1am here...and I decided to try this burger called "Le M." It's on ciabatta bread, with emmental cheese, and the meat is marinaded in something. It was juicy that I had to dig through my purse for something to use as a napkin while I was eating it on the Metro because it had dripped all over my hands. Seriously, McDo...why don't you sell these things in the US?? And, by the way, McDo actually has like good quality meat here. I've only eaten a meal there once since I've been here, though, despite how many times I've mentioned it in here.

That's it. If you're ever in France, go to McDo and have Le M.

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