Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday!

I'm now officially old...aka 22! And I'm going to Paris in less than a month!

I don't really have any big information to update anyone on. I've already mentally checked out from school, which is making studying for finals a bit of a challenge. I'm just ready to be done with this semester's classes and spend my summer learning about French and French culture!

I've been browsing laptops, hoping to find a good one on sale somewhere because I don't want to spend too much money on one. So, if you have any info about good laptop deals, help me out! My new digital camera has been proving itself to be quite excellent. It takes great photos and videos, so I know it'll be an excellent asset to have this summer.

A few of you have been asking how you can get in touch with me this summer. When it gets closer to time for me to leave, I'll write out how exactly that will work if you want to talk to me on the phone. I will have some Internet access, but it won't be too consistent, so if it isn't urgent, email will work just won't be able to count on finding me on AIM too often!

That's my little update for to celebrate my birthday =)

1 comment:

Heather said...

I asked my Dad, and he told me where he gets laptops and such for work and his own... ... just click on computers and then laptops. Sometimes you can find them as cheap as $199. :o) Good luck lovely!